Individual shareholders

Become a shareholder in an independent player in alternative asset management

Becoming a Tikehau Capital shareholder means investing in an alternative asset management group positioned in a market with structurally buoyant trends. It means participating in a unique business and entrepreneurial model, with substantial shareholders' equity, and a clear alignment of interests between management, shareholders and investor-clients, enabling us to face economic cycles with confidence.

Sustainability at the heart of our model - with Cécile Cabanis
Achievements in 2021 and ambitions for 2026 - with Henri Marcoux

Our different ways of holding shares


This is the most common form of shareholding. The purchase and day-to-day management of your shares are entrusted to the financial intermediary of your choice.

Your name is not registered with Tikehau Capital.

Pure registered shares

Your shares are registered directly and solely in Tikehau Capital's register; this enables us to identify you and provide you with a personalized service. Tikehau Capital has appointed Société Générale Securities Services (SGSS) to manage registered shares. SGSS is your sole point of contact. You benefit from free custody fees.

If your shares are held in registered form, you will systematically and directly receive all the information you need about the Company: notice of the Annual General Meeting with forms for requesting admission cards, voting by post, proxy or power of attorney, and requesting documents.

You are also invited to take part in the meetings organized by Tikehau Capital for its shareholders in the provinces and in Paris.

Administered registered shares

Your share portfolio is held by your financial intermediary, who manages it and remains your contact. However, your shares are registered with Tikehau Capital, which enables us to identify you and establish direct contact with you.

You benefit from the same advantages as with pure registered shares, with the exception of free custody fees.

You are also invited to take part in meetings organized by Tikehau Capital in Paris and the provinces.

How can I buy Tikehau Capital shares?

As a private individual, you are not authorized to intervene in the market, which is why you must transmit your orders to an authorized financial intermediary who will take care of their execution.

  • For pure registered shares
    First of all, you must hold a pure registered account and have signed a "Securities account and order-taking agreement" with SGSS.
    Your orders should be sent to SGSS by : (i) telephone: +33 (0)2 51 85 67 89, (ii) Internet: www.sharinbox.societegenerale.comSociété Générale Securities Services, 32, rue du Champ-de-Tir, CS 30812 44308 Nantes Cedex 3, France.
  • For administered registered or bearer shares
    Contact your financial intermediary: he or she will execute the order, maintain your account, collect the dividends and send you a notice of operation stipulating that the stock market order has been executed.

What are the advantages of registered shares?

Being a pure or administered registered shareholder brings you the following advantages:

  • The guarantee of personalized information
    As a registered shareholder, you have the right to attend General Shareholders' Meetings.
    You will receive the notice of meeting directly to your home address, together with the postal voting form, proxy form or proxy form requesting an admission card.
    Finally, you can contact SGSS, Tikehau Capital's securities services manager, by telephone. A team of advisors will be happy to provide you with information on managing your shares, securities taxation, and organizing the Annual General Meeting.
  • With pure registered shares, you also benefit from :
    • free custody and management fees
    • access to the Sharinbox website. The secure Sharinbox site (access using a login sent by SGSS and a personalized password) enables you to consult your personal data (postal address, tax address, bank details, etc.), view your assets and transaction history. You can also enter your buy or sell orders online.

How do you register your shares?

Simply send your financial intermediary the securities transfer request form below, duly completed and signed. Your intermediary will then make the necessary arrangements with SGSS. On receipt of your shares, SGSS, appointed by Tikehau Capital to manage registered accounts, will send you the corresponding account registration certificate. SGSS will then become your sole contact. A transaction advice note will also be sent to you after each transaction carried out on your account. The transaction advice note is a slip issued by any financial intermediary advising the shareholder that his or her buy or sell order has been executed. At the beginning of each year, SGSS will send you a portfolio statement valued at December 31 of the previous year.

Administered registered or bearer share transfer request form

Direct registered share transfer request form

How do you register your shares?

Registering your shares as intermediary registered shares does not require you to transfer your shares or change your bank. Your administered registered share account will be managed by the financial institution of your choice. Your financial intermediary must apply for registration with our manager, SGSS, and will continue to manage your securities account. SGSS will register your shares free of charge as soon as we receive the request from your financial intermediary. Shares held in a PEA may be registered as intermediary shares.

Administered registered or bearer share transfer request form

Direct registered share transfer request form

What is the cost and time involved in transferring securities?

Your financial intermediary determines the costs involved in transferring your securities. You should therefore refer to the fee schedule applied by your financial intermediary. To find out how long it will take to transfer your shares, please contact your financial intermediary. The registration of your shares in a registered account will only be definitive once your financial intermediary has completed the transfer of your shares.

Attend the Annual General Meeting

Any shareholder whose shares are registered in an account two business days prior to the General Meeting may attend or be represented at the Meeting in accordance with the procedures set out below.

You have several options. You can :

  • attend the Annual General Meeting in person by requesting an admission card and providing proof of your identity and status as a shareholder on the day,
  • give your proxy: (i) to the Chairman of the Meeting, or (ii) to any other natural or legal person of your choice, whether or not a shareholder
  • ovote by post or by internet, using the voting form or the VOTACCESS platform.

For further information, visit the General Meetings page.

Distribution policy

The Group's objective is to continue to maximize value creation for its shareholders over the long term by allocating its capital in such a way as to optimize revenues and return on equity.
From 2021 onwards, Tikehau Capital aims to distribute more than 80% of net operating income from the asset management business (defined as the sum ofFee-Related Earnings(FRE) andPerformance-Related Earnings(PRE)). It should be noted that for the 2021 financial year, the ordinary dividend may not be less than €0.50 per share.

Latest news

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An accelerating growth model

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Fourth-quarter 2023 sales

October 19, 2023

Tikehau Capital's activity in the third quarter of 2023

July 27, 2023

Half-year results 2023

April 20, 2023

Tikehau Capital's activity in the first quarter of 2023 - Continued growth, supported by solid fundamentals

February 16, 2023

Annual results 2022

Upcoming events

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