Tikehau Investment Management" />

Tikehau Investment Management

TIKEHAU INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SAS is Tikehau Capital's main asset management platform. Tikehau Investment Management has been approved by the AMF as a portfolio management company since January 2007.Registered on 20/09/2006 under no. 491 909 446 RCS Paris.

Tikehau Investment Management

32, rue de Monceau

75008 PARIS


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Minutes :

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Tikehau Investment Management declines all responsibility for the content of this site and any use that may be made of it by any person. The products and services presented on this site may be subject to regulatory and legal restrictions. It is the responsibility of interested parties to verify that their legal and tax status allows them to consider subscribing to products or services before contacting Tikehau Investment Management to inquire about the availability of said products and services as well as the applicable contractual and pricing conditions.

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Past performance is no guarantee of future performance and is not constant over time.

Dissemination of information on UCI assets

The management company must not provide certain investors or intermediaries with information concerning the composition of the fund's assets that could facilitate market-timing operations. In particular, the management company must refrain from communicating the composition of the portfolio in real time.

On the other hand, the Management Company may, subject to certain conditions, in particular time limits, transmit the composition of the assets of the UCIs it manages, in particular to professional investors subject to the supervision of the ACPR, the AMF or equivalent European authorities for the purposes of calculating regulatory requirements linked to the Solvency II directive.

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The content of this site is protected by Literary and Artistic Property, the Vienna Convention and the French Intellectual Property Code. All intellectual property elements, such as trademarks, logos, texts, photographs and images, graphics, video and sound data and animations are the property of Tikehau IM. Tikehau IM only authorizes you to view its content on a personal and private basis, to the exclusion of any public viewing or distribution.
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Due to regulatory requirements you must be a US institutional investor to enter the site.