
To be sustainable, you have to be profitable. To be profitable, you have to be sustainable. In our investment policy, environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria have the same importance as economic, financial and operational factors.
- Antoine Flamarion, Co-founder of Tikehau Capital


Tikehau Capital considers the financing of economic dynamism to be its raison d'être. To this end, we are committed to managing the long-term savings entrusted to us by our customers in a sustainable, efficient and responsible manner.

To move towards more virtuous models, we have developed specific strategies and vehicles with a positive impact on climate change, health, innovation and social inclusion.

tikehau156 Vision 2045 - climate documentary (EN)

In collaboration with our key stakeholders, we have identified our main non-financial risks and opportunities. Organized around four themes, these bring together our priorities within a CSR approach aimed at optimizing our positive impact on employees, consumers, the environment and the wider community.

Governance and professional ethics

ESG: implementing a responsible investment strategy
Create value for all stakeholders by establishing a responsible investment strategy tailored to the Group's specificities
CSR: guaranteeing clear, effective governance and a strong convergence of interests
Promote strong governance to ensure that interests are aligned with the Group's CSR approach. Make professional ethics and compliance a priority

Climate change

ESG: responding to the climate emergency through our investments
Identify and address climate change risks and opportunities
CSR: measure and, where possible, reduce our carbon footprint while offsetting residual emissions
Identify and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by our activities

Economic development, talent and diversity

ESG: financing growth and job creation in the real economy
Through our investment activities, we finance the real economy and support sustainable projects that contribute to development and employment.
CSR: promoting diversity and talent retention
Putting diversity and talent retention at the heart of our strategy as key growth drivers

Customer and stakeholder relations

ESG: promoting transparency and customer satisfaction
Commit to transparency and regular communication with investor-customers, while ensuring responsible product offerings and marketing, with a view to protecting customers' interests and encouraging employees to demonstrate exemplary behavior.
CSR: responsible purchasing and commitment to social issues
Commitment to building sustainable relationships with external stakeholders, notably through a responsible purchasing policy [link to charter] and involvement in various charities