

Our business

We are specialists in alternative asset management and investment, whose activities are organized around four business lines. Our primary objective is to find the best balance between risk and return, in order to create long-term value for our investors, be they clients or shareholders.

Private debt

Real assets

Private Equity

Capital Markets Strategies

Tactical Strategies

News and Views

Market views

In conversation with

March 22, 2024

Seizing real estate opportunities in a changing world

Corporate News

Annual results 2023

March 06, 2024

An accelerating growth model

Corporate News

Press Release

March 06, 2024

Tikehau Capital appoints Margaux Buridant and Célia Hamoum as Co-Heads of Private Wealth Solutions

Corporate News

Press releases

February 29, 2024

Tikehau Capital launches a thematic equity fund dedicated to financing European sovereignty: Tikehau European Sovereignty Fund

Corporate News

Press Release

February 28, 2024

Tikehau Capital announces a partnership with UOB-Kay Hian to strengthen its presence in Asia

Corporate News

Fourth-quarter 2023 sales

February 06, 2024

Tikehau Capital reaps the rewards of its growth strategy and delivers a solid year 2023

Market views

Annual results 2022

Tikehau Market Insights Podcast

January 16, 2024

Thomas Friedberger, Deputy Managing Director and Co-CIO of Tikehau Capital, shares our views on the current market environment.

Corporate News

Press releases

December 18, 2023

Tikehau Capital and Nikko Asset Management announce advanced discussions for a strategic partnership in Asia

Market News

Press releases

December 15, 2023

Tikehau Capital launches the new vintage of its private equity strategy dedicated to the aerospace industry

Corporate News

Press releases

December 06, 2023

ProvenRun announces the successful completion of a €15 million Series A financing round aimed at accelerating its expansion in the field of security by design for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Market views

Understanding regenerative agriculture

December 04, 2023

This collaboration between Tikehau Capital and ID, l'Info Durable, is dedicated to an important topic in the sustainable development of food systems and the environment: regenerative agriculture. Aimed at professionals and savvy investors alike, this issue lays the foundations for tomorrow's agriculture and underlines the urgency of this transformation at a time when 40% of soils, responsible for satisfying 95% of our food needs, are being degraded.

Market views

Storms in Paradise - The benefits of 'all-weather' portfolios in times of rising interest rates

November 09, 2023

Maxime Laurent-Bellue, Head of Tactical Strategies, and Clément Jeanmaire, Deputy Portfolio Manager in charge of the Private Multi-Asset Solutions strategy, analyze the market dynamics fuelling demand for "all-weather" portfolios and the right balance between risks and opportunities.

Market views

Decarbonization: private debt and the "net zero emissions" objective

October 25, 2023

Lindee Wong, Head of Climate & Biodiversity, and Vincent Lemaitre, Head of ESG Private Debt, explain the need to deploy private capital to support the essential role of companies in reducing large-scale greenhouse gas emissions.

Market views

Europe, The Final Countdown: a reflection on the challenges of European sovereignty

October 12, 2023

Can European sovereignty be an investment opportunity in a world undergoing major change? Thomas Friedberger examines the notion of European sovereignty in the light of the major economic and social changes currently underway.

Market views

IOC Outlook - Looking ahead to 2024

September 18, 2023

Dans notre dernier CIO Outlook, nous partageons nos points de vue sur une économie post-COVID en pleine mutation alors que la guerre en Ukraine entre dans son 18e mois

Corporate News

Tikehau Capital strengthens its organization with key appointments to its management team

August 28, 2023

Tikehau Capital announces several strategic appointments to its management team, reinforcing its managerial organization.

Corporate News

Half-year results 2023

July 27, 2023

Tikehau Capital reaches a new milestone, surpassing €40 billion in assets under management thanks to record first-half inflows

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