
Tactical Strategies

Capitalising on the firm’s broader platform to offer differentiated investment solutions

Nimbleness and ability to deploy in all market environments are at the core of the Tactical Strategies expertise. The team spans multiple areas of expertise and brings together our shared investment capabilities with the following key governing principles:

  • Transversal approach, leveraging the firm’s global reach and capabilities in terms of local intelligence, research, deal sourcing and execution
  • Nimble deployment across multiple asset classes
  • Flexible investment scope, allowing us to navigate across the capital structure in order to provide bespoke and versatile capital in a great variety of contexts

Our investment scope includes private and liquid credits, real estate and private equity, therefore strongly resonating within each of the firm’s business units. Thanks to these defining features, we are able to make highly informed investment judgements, take a contrarian approach across the spectrum when necessary, while providing differentiated solutions to our investors.

- Maxime Laurent-Bellue, Head of Tactical Strategies

Our offer

  • Special opportunities funds: European opportunistic credit strategy focusing on corporate and real estate credit. We provide bespoke capital solutions in situations characterized by a scarcity of liquidity, across primary and secondary markets. Relying on a contrarian investment approach and broad mandate we strive to explore any transaction context, navigating across the capital structure in order to identify untapped value and extract compelling risk-adjusted returns.
  • Multi-asset solutions: an innovative investment proposition, leveraging Tikehau Capital’s entire platform. We provide investment and allocation solutions across different asset classes, strongly entrenched around private assets. We seek to democratize access to private markets at a larger scale, by offering institutional and private investors access to our products in a holistic approach. By building diversified portfolios combining several asset classes, direct and indirect investments, we ensure lower correlation and swift deployment regardless of the environment.
Peter Cirenza

Peter Cirenza


Peter Cirenza joined Tikehau Capital in 2017 and serves as Co-Chief Investment Officer of Tikehau Investment Management and Chairman of Tactical Strategies. Peter was previously a Partner at Goldman Sachs, where he worked for 20 years in New York, London and Tokyo. He helped to develop and lead the firm’s proprietary special-situation investment activities in North America, Europe and Asia, and also has significant experience in mergers and acquisitions and structured finance. He has been a lecturer in Economic History at the London School of Economics and Political Science since 2009.

Education: Brown University, MBA Columbia University, PhD London School of Economics and Political Science.

Maxime Laurent-Bellue

Maxime Laurent-Bellue


Maxime Laurent-Bellue joined Tikehau Capital in 2007 and serves as Head of Tactical Strategies & Head of Structured Credit Strategies. Since 2008, he has contributed to establishing and developing the Group’s private credit division. Maxime has been involved in new investments, as well as fundraising and strategic launches for several segments, including special situations, direct lending and leveraged loans. From 2012, he established and ran the Group’s senior loan business and was responsible for portfolio management, in addition to playing an active role in deal sourcing and execution for both senior loans and direct lending opportunities.

Education:Sciences Po Paris, King's College London

Clément Jeanmaire

Clément Jeanmaire


Clément Jeanmaire joined Tikehau Capital in 2013 and currently serves as Deputy Portfolio Manager in Tikehau Capital’s Multi Asset Strategy. Clément joined the Group asHead of Compliance of Tikehau IM. He started his career in 2006 as a financial auditor at Mazars, before joining theAutorité des marchés financiers(AMF) in 2010 in the asset management division.

Education: Centrale Lille University

Jean Odendall

Jean Odendall


Jean Odendall joined Tikehau Capital in 2011 and currently serves as Portfolio Manager for Tikehau Capital’s Special Opportunities Strategy. He first joined the Group as part of the High Yield team and was the lead credit analyst for several sectors. Prior to Tikehau Capital, he worked at Jabre Capital in Geneva, where he supported the launch of their special opportunities fund.

Education: HEC University of Lausanne

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