
Legal notices

Legal information about the company

Tikehau Capital

A partnership limited by shares, registered in France with the Trade and Companies Register of Paris under number 477 599 104, with a registered address located 32, rue de Monceau, 75008 Paris, France.

Tel: + 33 (1) 40 06 26 26

Director of the publication: Communications Department

Website host: Investis Limited (“Investis”), a company registered in England and Wales under number 03930926, with a registered address located 24, Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX, United Kingdom.

Tel: + 44 (0)20 7038 9000

Website content

Tikehau Capital and its contributors shall endeavour to ensure that the information published on this Website is accurate and up-to-date and reserves the right to modify such information at any time and without prior notice. They cannot however guarantee the completeness of the content or the absence of third party modifications (intrusions, viruses, etc.). Moreover, Tikehau Capital and its contributors shall not be held liable (directly or indirectly) in the event of any delay, error or omission relating to the content or use of these pages or in the event of the interruption or non-availability of the service. As such, Tikehau Capital and its contributors shall not be held liable for any indirect damages such as, but not limited to, losses of any nature resulting from errors, omissions or the unreliability or incompleteness of the information published on our Website. Likewise, Tikehau Capital and its contributors shall not be held liable for elements outside their control or for any damages which could be incurred by your technical environment, in particular your computers, software, network equipment (modems, telephones, etc.) or any material used to access or use the service and/or the information. Finally, Tikehau Capital and its contributors do not guarantee and shall not be held liable for the sequence, accuracy, absence of errors, truthfulness, up-to-date nature, fair and marketable quality, overall quality, correctness, non-infringing character or availability of the information on this Website. You undertake to use the information on this Website for your own personal, non-commercial use.

Information published on the Website

This Website contains general information relating to the activities of Tikehau Capital. It does not offer any transactions since it does not constitute an offer of products or services, an investment offer or incentive, an offer to subscribe for, buy or sell securities or any other management or investment product, or a recommendation to buy or to sell, nor does it form all or part of a contract. An Internet user’s access to this Website shall not be deemed by Tikehau Capital to constitute solicitation within the meaning of Article L.341-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Monetary and Financial Code). You shall remain solely liable for the use of the information on our Website and for the results obtained therefrom. As such, Tikehau Capital shall not be held liable for the use you make of this information, the decisions you may or may not consider making or the actions you take or do not take on the basis of this information. Tikehau Capital shall therefore not be held liable for any losses or damages of any nature suffered as a result of the information published explicitly or implicitly on this Website. Likewise, Tikehau Capital shall not be held liable for any damages suffered by your technical environment, in particular your computers, software, network equipment (modems, telephones, etc.) or any material used to access our Website or to use the information contained therein.


Tikehau Capital shall not be held liable for hyperlinks to other websites, particularly with respect to the content of such websites. Likewise, Tikehau Capital shall not be held liable for hyperlinks to this Website and prohibits all persons from setting up such a hyperlink without its prior, express approval.

Intellectual property

This Website is covered in its entirety by international legislation on copyright, trademark law and, more generally, intellectual property, with respect to both its format (choice of format, site map, content layout, data access, data organisation, etc.) and every aspect of its content (texts, images, etc.). This content, published on the pages of this Website, is the exclusive property of Tikehau Capital and its contributors. You undertake not to use or to allow any person whatsoever to use this content for illegal purposes. By way of exception, certain content (texts, images, etc.) is the property of its respective authors. Any reproduction, representation, circulation or redistribution of all or part of the content of this Website on any medium and by any means whatsoever (in particular by catching, framing, etc.), as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties, is strictly prohibited. Any breach of this prohibition shall constitute an infringement and is likely to incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Personal Data and Cookies

The security of your personal data has always been a priority for the Tikehau Capital Group and was reinforced again with the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Respecting fundamental rights and liberties, including privacy and personal data protection are core values to which the Group’s entities are especially attached.

You can find Tikehau Capital’s personal data protection policy here.

List of Cookies

Due to regulatory requirements you must be a US institutional investor to enter the site.