Retail shareholders

Become a shareholder of an independent player in alternative asset management

Becoming a shareholder of Tikehau Capital means investing in an alternative asset management group positioned on a market driven by structural tailwinds. It also means participating in a unique economic and entrepreneurial model, with a significant equity base, a source of clear alignment of interests between management, shareholders and investor-clients, allowing to face economic cycles with confidence.

Capital Markets Day 2022

Capital Markets Day 2022

2021 Annual Results

The different ways to hold Tikehau Capital shares

Bearer shares

Bearer shares are the most common way of holding Tikehau Capital shares. They are purchased and managed by your bank or broker, and your name does not appear in Tikehau Capital’s share register.

Directly registered shares(pure registered shares)

Your shares are registered directly and exclusively in Tikehau Capital's share register, allowing us to identify you and offer personal support. Tikehau Capital has authorised Société Générale Securities Services (SGSS) to manage directly registered shares. SGSS is your sole point of contact.
You do not have to pay any custody fees.

If you hold directly registered shares, you will automatically and directly receive the latest Company information, news and documents, including notices of general meetings of the shareholders, admission card request forms, proxy/postal voting forms and document request forms.

You will also be invited to attend meetings with shareholders organised by Tikehau Capital in Paris and elsewhere in France.

Indirectly registered shares (administered registered shares)

Your stock portfolio is held by your financial intermediary, which manages your account and is your point of contact. However, your shares are entered in Tikehau Capital’s share register, allowing us to identify you and make direct contact with you.

You will enjoy the same benefits as you were holding directly registered shares, except that you will have to pay custody fees.

You will also be invited to attend meetings with shareholders organised by Tikehau Capital in Paris and elsewhere in France.

Making a purchase order for Tikehau Capital shares

As an individual, you are not authorised to trade on the market. You must place your orders through an authorised financial intermediary who will handle their execution.

  • For directly registered shares
    You must hold a directly registered shares account and have signed a “securities account and order-taking agreement” with SGSS.
    Your orders shall be submitted to SGSS by : (i) phone: +33 (0)2 51 85 67 89, (ii) internet: letter: Société Générale Securities Services, 32, rue du Champ-de-Tir, CS 30812 44308 Nantes Cedex 3
  • For indirectly registered and bearer shares
    Consult with your authorised intermediary: they are responsible for executing the order, managing your account, receiving dividends and sending a transaction notice that stipulates the execution of a stock exchange order.

Benefits of holding registered shares

Becoming a directly registered or indirectly registered shareholder offers the following benefits:

  • Assurance of personalised information
    As a registered shareholder, you are automatically invited to attend the general meetings of the shareholders. You will receive the notice of meeting directly at your home address, along with the proxy/postal voting form which includes the application for an admission card. You also have access to a telephone helpline with SGSS, which manages Tikehau Capital’s shareholding service. A team of advisors will keep you informed about the management of your shares, applicable tax rules on securities and the organisation of general meetings of the shareholders.
  • If you are a directly registered shareholder, you will also benefit from:
    • An exemption from custodial and management fees
    • Access to Sharinbox, a secure platform (accessed with a login sent to you by SGSS and a personalised password) that allows you to check your personal data (postal address, tax address, bank details), and view your holdings and records of your transactions. It also enables you to place buy or sell orders on-line.

Registering shares directly

Simply send the duly completed and signed share transfer request form to your financial intermediary, who will submit your request to SGSS. Upon receipt of your shares, SGSS, having been authorised by Tikehau Capital to manage registered accounts, will send you a certificate of registration of your shares in the corresponding account. SGSS will become your single point of contact. A transaction notice will be sent to you following each transaction performed on your account. The transaction notice is issued by any financial intermediary that informs the shareholder of the execution of a buy or sell order. At the beginning of each year, SGSS will send you an annual statement of your portfolio’s value as at 31 December of the previous year.

Download the conversion into bearer or indirectly registered shares form

Download the conversion into directly registered shares form

Registering shares indirectly

If you wish to hold indirectly registered shares, you do not need to transfer your shares or change your bank. Your indirectly registered shares account will be managed by the financial institution of your choice. Your financial intermediary must register with our manager, SGSS, and will continue to manage your securities account. SGSS will register your shares as indirectly registered shares at no cost once it receives the request submitted by your financial intermediary. Shares held in a PEA (share savings account) may be held in indirectly registered form.

Download the conversion into bearer or indirectly registered shares form

Download the conversion into directly registered shares form

Cost and timing of share transfers

Fees and expenses relating to share transfers are fixed by your financial intermediary. Please consult your intermediary’s fee schedule. For questions about the timeframe applicable to the transfer of your shares, please speak with your financial intermediary. The registration of your shares is only final once your shares are definitively transferred by your financial intermediary.

Attend the Shareholders' Meeting

Any shareholder whose shares (in bearer or registered form) are recorded in an account two business days before a general meeting of the shareholders may attend such meeting or be represented thereat as follows:

  • You can attend the general meeting personally by requesting an admission card, then showing ID and proof of your shareholding on the day of the general meeting,
  • You can give a proxy to (i) the Chairman of the general meeting, or (ii) any natural person or legal entity of your choice, regardless of whether they are a shareholder or not,
  • You can vote by post or online, using the voting form or the VOTACCESS platform

Find out more information in the section dedicated to General Meetings

Distribution policy

The Group's objective is to continue to maximize the creation of value for its shareholders over the long term by allocating its capital in such a way as to optimise its revenues and the return on its equity.

From 2021 onwards, Tikehau Capital aims to distribute more than 80% of the net operating profit of the asset management business (defined as the sum of Fee-Related Earnings (FRE) and Performance-Related Earnings (PRE)). It is noted that for the fiscal year 2021, the ordinary dividend may not be less than €0.50 per share.

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