
regulatory Notices


TIKEHAU INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SASis Tikehau Capital’s main investment platform dedicated to asset management. Tikehau Investment Management is accredited by the French Market Authority as a portfolio management company since 19/01/2007 under number GP-07000006.

Tikehau Investment Management

32, rue de Monceau

75008 PARIS


In accordance with its regulatory requirements, Tikehau IM keeps at your disposal the following documents:




This website has been created for informational purposes only and does not constitute a contractual element, proposal or incentive for investment or arbitration.

Tikehau Investment Management declines all responsibility for the content of the website and the use that may be made by anyone. The products and services presented on this site may be subject to regulatory and legal restrictions. It is up to the persons concerned to verify that their legal and fiscal status allows them to consider the subscription of the products or services before contacting Tikehau Investment Management to inquire about the availability of said products and services as well as the contractual conditions and tariffs applicable. None of these products or services will be provided by Tikehau Investment Management to a person whose law of state of residence or the law of any other state that would apply to him would deny access. The reader of this message is requested to ensure that he is legally authorized to connect to this website in the country from which the connection is established.

Past performance does not indicate future performance and is not consistent over time.

Dissemination of information relating to the assets of the funds

The management company must not transmit to certain investors or certain intermediaries information relating to the composition of the assets of the UCI likely to facilitate market timing operations. In particular, the management company must refrain from communicating the composition of the portfolio in real time.

On the other hand, the Management Company may, subject to conditions, in particular a time limit, transmit the composition of the assets of the UCIs it manages in particular to professional investors under the control of the ACPR, the AMF or equivalent European authorities. for the purposes of calculating the regulatory requirements linked to the Solvency II directive.

Intellectual property

The content of this website is protected by the Literary and Artistic Property, the Vienna Convention and the Code of Intellectual Property. All intellectual property elements, such as trademarks, logos, texts, photographs and images, graphics, video, sound and animations are the property of Tikehau Investment Management. The company Tikehau Investment Management grants you the authorization to view its content for personal and private reasons, excluding any viewing or public dissemination.

The reproduction authorization is granted to you only in digital form on your computer of consultation, for the purpose of visualization of the pages opened by your software of navigation. Printed paper is authorized for private copying, for the exclusive use of the copier within the meaning of Article L.122-5-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.


Due to regulatory requirements you must be a US institutional investor to enter the site.