
To be sustainable, you have to be profitable. To be profitable, you have to be sustainable. In our investment policy, environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria have the same importance as economic, financial and operational factors.
- Antoine Flamarion, Co-founder of Tikehau Capital


Tikehau Capital considers the financing of economic dynamism to be its raison d'être. To this end, we are committed to managing the long-term savings entrusted to us by our customers in a sustainable, efficient and responsible manner.

To move towards more virtuous models, we have developed specific strategies and vehicles with a positive impact on climate change, health, innovation and social inclusion.

tikehau156 Vision 2045 - climate documentary (EN)

We firmly believe that profitability and sustainability are not mutually exclusive. To be profitable, companies must be sustainable. With this conviction in mind, Tikehau Capital considers the inclusion of economic, social and governance (ESG) criteria to be an integral part of its investment process. Our ESG policy is based on four main pillars:

  • Exclusionexclusion of certain risky sectors, behaviours or jurisdictions to protect value
  • Inclusion ESGESG: integrating ESG factors into financial analysis to increase value
  • CommitmentESG: working with management and/or governance bodies to identify value-creating ESG measures
  • Thematic and impact investmentsmeet social challenges while generating attractive financial returns for investors

Far from seeing ESG criteria as a constraint, we see them as a common-sense approach to investment. With both financial and extra-financial responsibilities, Tikehau Capital's investment teams place ESG criteria at the heart of their decisions. Entitled "ESG by Design", our ESG approach applies to all investments made as part of our asset management and investment activities. In addition to ESG criteria, our responsible investment strategy is integrated into all corporate activities.