
Analyst Coverage

Firm Contact Phone
Berenberg Christoph Greulich +44 203 753 3119
CIC Market Solutions
Arnaud Palliez +33 1 41 81 74 24
Citi Nicholas Herman +44 207 986 4203
Degroof Petercam Joren Van Aken +32 2 662 88 83
Deutsche Bank Sharath Kumar +44 207 547 9527
Exane BNP Paribas Arnaud Giblat +44 203 430 8513
Goldman Sachs
Oliver Carruthers +44 207 552 9364
Jefferies Tom Mills +44 207 029 8478
Kepler Cheuvreux Nicolas Payen +44 207 621 5128
ODDO BHF Geoffroy Michalet +33 (0)1 44 51 81 44
RBC Mandeep Jagpal +44 207 002 2817

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