Our people

Roger Caniard

Roger Caniard


Current office: Head of MACSF financial management.

Expertise and past experience in management: Roger Caniard is a graduate of IEP Paris, ESCP, Université Paris-Dauphine and of the Société Française des Analystes Financiers (SFAF). He began his career as a financial analyst. After a period at Mondiale (equity management) and KBL (merger and acquisition bank), he joined MACSF in 1995. Since 2014, he has been a member of the Executive Committee and CFO of MACSF.

Jean Charest

Jean Charest


Current office: Partner at the Therrien Couture Joli-Cœur law firm (Canada).

Expertise and past experience in management: Jean Charest was elected a member of parliament in the Canadian House of Commons in 1984, and then became the youngest ever member of the Canadian Council of Ministers when he was appointed, at 28 years of age, Minister for State & Youth. He was then appointed Minister for the Environment, Minister for Industry and Vice-Prime Minister of Canada. He held the office of Prime Minister of Quebec from 2003 to 2012. He is a partner Therrien Couture Joli-Cœur and, since 1986, member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada.

Jean-Louis Charon

Jean-Louis Charon


Current office: Chairman of City Star Capital.

Expertise and past experience in management: Jean-Louis Charon is a former student at the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. He began his career within the Ministry for Industry, and then held positions at General Electric and Thomson. In 1996, he became Managing Director of the Vivendi Universal real estate subsidiary CGIS group. In July 2000 he organized the LBO of Nexity, joining its Board of Directors and then its Supervisory Board. After founding Nexstar Capital, in partnership with LBO France, he founded the City Star group in 2004 where he is the current CEO.

Sophie Coulon-Renouvel

Sophie Coulon-Renouvel


Current office: Director of External Growth, Partnerships and Digital of the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group.

Expertise and past experience in management: Sophie Coulon-Renouvel graduated from HEC Paris and ESADE in Barcelona. After four years as senior consultant at Andersen, she joined Crédit Mutuel Arkéa in 2002. In 2009, she joined Arkéa Direct Bank, subsidiary of the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group which comprises the online banks Fortuneo and Keytrade Bank, and, in 2013, became a member of the Management Board of Arkéa Direct Bank. In 2021, she was appointed Director of External Growth, Partnerships and Digital of the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group.

Jean-Pierre Denis <br/><em>(Non-voting member)</em>

Jean-Pierre Denis
(Non-voting member)


Non-voting member of the surpervisory board of Tikehau Capital

Current office: Vice-Chairman of Paprec Group

Expertise and past experience in management: Jean-Pierre Denis is a qualified Finance Inspector, who graduated from HEC and also attended ENA. He has previously held positions as CEO and Chairman of the Oséo group from 2003 - 2007, and was also a member of the Board of Directors of Vivendi Environnement which became Véolia Environnement (2000 - 2003), CEO of Dalkia (Vivendi group and then Veolia Environnement) (1999-2003), Presidential Advisor at CGE which became Vivendi (1997 - 1999) and Deputy Secretary General to the President of the Republic (1995 - 1997). From 2008 to 2021, he served as Chairman of Crédit Mutuel Arkéa and the Fédération du Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne. Since 2021, he has been Vice-Chairman of Paprec Group.

Christian de Labriffe

Christian de Labriffe


Current office: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company.

Expertise and past experience in management: Christian de Labriffe is a graduate of ISC Paris Business School. He started his career at Lazard Frères & Cie. in 1972 where he was appointed Managing Partner in 1987. In 1994, he became Managing Partner of Rothschild & Cie. He joined Tikehau Capital in 2013 as Chairman and CEO of Salvepar, a function he has fulfilled until 2017.

Maximilien de Limburg Stirum

Maximilien de Limburg Stirum


Current office: Executive Chairman of SFI

Expertise and past experience in management: Maximilien de Limburg Stirum graduated from the Solvay Business School in Brussels with a Bachelor and a Master in Business Engineering. In 1995, he began his career at Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille (CNP), the listed holding company of the group founded by Albert Frère, where he became Chief Investment Officer. In 2012, he joined the Patrinvest group, which holds the interests of some of the Belgian founding families of AB InBev, and became Executive Chairman of Société Familiale d'Investissements (SFI), its subsidiary in charge of investments.

Florence Lustman

Florence Lustman


Current office: President of the French Insurance Federation

Expertise and past experience in management: Florence Lustman is a former student of the Ecole Polytechnique and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris. She is also a graduate of the IAF (Institut des Actuaires Français). She began her career as insurance supervisor at the Commission de Contrôle des Assurances. She then became General Secretary of that Commission (now the Autorité de Contrôle des Assurances et des Mutuelles). After a time at the Inspection Générale des Finances, she has been Chief Financial Officer of La Banque Postale Group since 2012.

Fanny Picard

Fanny Picard


Current office: Chair of Alter Equity SAS, Management Company of the FPCI Alter Equity.

Expertise and past experience in management: Fanny Picard is a graduate of ESSEC and SFAF with a master’s degree in law and a former student at the Collège des Hautes Etudes de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable. She began her career in the mergers and acquisitions department of the investment bank Rothschild & Cie. Before founding and chairing the Alter Equity investment fund, Ms. Fanny Picard was Managing Director and Member of the Executive Committee of Wendel and Head of Development for Western Europe and North America with the Danone group.

Constance de Poncins

Constance de Poncins


Current office: Director of CREPSA and of supplementary pensions at B2V/B2V Gestion

Expertise and past experience in management: Ms Constance de Poncins is a graduate of the Institute of French Actuaries (IAF) and holds a post-graduate degree in Econometrics from the Université de Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas and an Executive MBA from the Management Institute of Paris (MIP-EDHEC). She began her career in 1992, in the Axa France technical Directorate of individual life assurance, before becoming Director of the Private Client Management Distributors and Partners Department, then Director of liabilities and cross-divisional projects. In 2009, she joined Neuflize Vie as Technical and Investment Director and Director of Asset/Liability Commitments. From 2015 to 2021, she served as Executive Officer of the savers’ association AGIPI. She is now Officer of CREPSA and of supplementary pensions at B2V/B2V Gestion, a social protection group.

Léon Seynave

Léon Seynave


Current office: Managing Director of an investment group.

Expertise and past experience in management: Léon Seynave is a graduate from Louvain University and holds an MBA from Wharton School of Commerce and Finance at Pennsylvania University. He cofounded Mitiska, a company previously listed on the Brussels stock exchange. He is also a director of several companies including De Persgroep, Vente-Exclusive.com, t-groep, and Stanhope Capital London. Previously, he worked as an investment banker at White, Weld & Co. in New York and in the London and Tokyo offices of Crédit Suisse First Boston.